Friday 23 December 2016

Can you believe it's nearly Christmas? We certainly can't, this year has gone far too quick for our liking. Though time have crept past us, safe to say the smiles and happiness didn't. We've spent the last few weeks popping up at everybody's Christmas Parties which safe to say, has left us feeling very festive! 

On Friday we spent our morning at Little Stoke Toddler Group in Little Stoke (surprisingly). It's a fantastic little group that runs every Friday from 10-12 for children ages 0-5. Ran by mums for mums, and what a lovely little group is. Even the big man himself paid us a visit.

We took along our Party Castle and small soft play package for all the children and safe to say it was very much appreciated. 

We managed to get a few snaps of it all in action! Capturing moments like these are so special and it's great that our day-day work revolves around smiles! 

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas! 

The Team @ Managed Mayhem 

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